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Plastic and Rubber Testing

21 january 2021

Plastic and Rubber Testing

The determination of the flow index, moisture, density, melting point, carbon black and many other tests are essential when checking the variation of properties (according to test and standard) of plastic and rubber samples.

To test samples of rubber and plastic, at IDM Test we have different testing and quality control equipment.

Measurement of the fluidity index in plastic and rubber:

Moisture determination in solid samples of plastic and rubber:

Determination of density, melting point and carbon black:


We also have different devices for sample preparation.

Injection press for tensile, impact, HDT-vicat, hot plate, etc... tests:

Laboratory press for the preparation of plastic or rubber sheets:

Pneumatic press for cutting standardized dies:

Table-top vertical milling machine for the production of plastic, rubber, aluminum, composites, etc. test tubes:

For more information about our rubber and plastic testing machines, please contact our experts in the plastics and rubber industry.

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