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We go beyond developing, designing and manufacture

All of our equipment is manufactured and adhere to both international standards ISO, UNE, DIN, SCANM, TAPPI, PACTAC, NFG, BS , etc.) and to European Union (EU) Machinery standards with their corresponding CE marking, with the aim of meeting all the quality needs and demands of our customers.

Experience has taught us that customers are often ahead of international standards and request custom testing and quality control equipmentTherefore, the technical team at IDM Test offers them all their knowledge of the sector to work in close collaboration with our customers with the aim of developing all their needs in quality and control processes.

  • IDM Paper
  • IDM Pulp
  • IDM Cardboard
  • IDM Graphic Industry
  • IDM Plastic
  • IDM Metal
  • IDM Fire
  • IDM Wood and Furniture
  • IDM Various Equipment