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We go beyond developing, designing and manufacture

Calibrations list

Drive machines, Box and sample compressometers, Plastometers, Thermosealing machines, Abrasion Testers, Concora type channeling machines, Cobb Devices, Scales, Weighing machines, Bond Testers, Gloss meters, Vernier Calipers, Environmental Chambers, Shears, Compressometers, Conductivity Meters, Sample Cutters, Meter Counters, ...

Proper measuring brings many noticeable benefits, among which we could highlight the following: it enables you to guarantee product quality, reduce poor quality costs and increase the trust of your customers.

An essential requirement to achieve this “Proper Measurement” is a  regular calibration of your testing equipment. The correct calibration of a piece of equipment determines the quality of the results obtained, establishes the uncertainty associated with them and certifies the traceability of the guidelines used; that is, their  certification by national or international certification laboratories.

  • IDM Paper
  • IDM Pulp
  • IDM Cardboard
  • IDM Graphic Industry
  • IDM Plastic
  • IDM Metal
  • IDM Fire
  • IDM Wood and Furniture
  • IDM Various Equipment