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#IDMTESTTALKS - Fernando Magaña | Office Manager IDM Test Mexico

12 july 2023

#IDMTESTTALKS - Fernando Magaña | Office Manager IDM Test Mexico

1- As head of the IDM Test office in Mexico, what is your role within the IDM Test team?
Currently I make contact with our customers and new companies in the areas of pulp, paper, corrugated, packaging (paper, corrugated and flexible).
Providing them attention of sale of our equipment, information of the same ones, services that we can offer them, we are beginning to import our equipment to Mexico with the purpose of being able to take care of the small companies that are not in possibility of realizing the import, we take care of the part of the service to the client, service post-sale and the attention to the administration of the company in Mexico.

2- Is the paper, cardboard and pulp sector booming in the country?
The paper market has been suffering for more than a decade from the disadvantages of digitalisation, and for obvious reasons the production of writing paper has fallen sharply, however, paper companies that produce Kraft paper have seen an upturn with the COVID pandemic, This is very favourable for Mexico and is driving foreign investment in this sector, an example of which is the 100% acquisition of Grupo Gondi by the giant Westrock, which has more than 300 production plants around the world.

3- What types of papers are the most produced in Mexico within the sector?
Kraft paper is the most produced paper in Mexico at the moment, and the best thing about it is that a large percentage is produced from recycled paper. Tissue paper has also increased its production, and large companies such as Papel San Francisco, Grupo Convertidor Papelera, Convertipap, Essity and Kimberly are investing a lot of capital in new machines to manufacture their products.

4- Are there any major technological advances in the sector in the country today?
Yes, of course, paper companies are investing capital in faster, more efficient machines, trying to lower energy consumption, more and more companies are automating their processes, a good example is in the area of corrugated paper, and much progress is now being made with microcorrugated paper, which is becoming thinner and more resistant.


5- Taking into account that IDM Test is present in Latin America and Spain, do you think there is a difference in the sector in Mexico and Spain? If so, where do you notice it?
Difference in the pulp and paper sector? I don't think so, all over the world corrugated boxes are used for the transport of products and all over the world tissues are used for toilet and absorption papers, and both in Europe and America these papers and corrugated papers are tested for quality control, rather, if there is a difference, it could be in the international trade or economy, Mexico & U.S.A. & Canada with their nearshoring and Spain within the European Union with its own.

6- Let's say that you are one of the most important pieces linking IDM test Mexico and IDM test Spain. Is there any curiosity that has caught your attention or shocked you in the way of working, expressing yourself... in the cultural change? is key to better performance.  Is the component selection part the most complicated part of the process? 
I don't think there is a clash, I don't think so, it's more of a cultural and sometimes language issue, even though we speak Spanish in both countries the colloquial terms can cause laughter or a "What the hell is that" face, but it's all very harmonious.

7- Finally, what do you like most about your work at IDM Test and which project are you most proud of?
What I like most is that every day I learn new things, both in the technical, administrative and business areas, dealing with people with so much experience (IDM colleagues and customers), opens the opportunity to continue to cultivate the knowledge and security in what I do. The project? what can I say!, To have started from scratch, to see the subsidiary of IDM Test in Mexico grow day by day, to see that this subsidiary is stabilising is great, obviously with the support and trust of great people in Spain, a great team at IDM Test.

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