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2020: challenging the borders of the Covid-19

03 december 2020

2020: challenging the borders of the Covid-19

2020 has been an atypical year for all countries, people and companies. At IDM Test, despite the limitations, we have taken our quality control equipments to 60 countries all over the world.

Fairs, commercial visits, visits to partners, ... suddenly in March everything stopped at once. Our commercial director had just returned from our headquarters in LATAM and this was the last international trip we made this 2020 in IDM Test. 

During the months of March, April and May we focused on offering the same service to our clients using digital tools. Thus, we bet on the Microsoft Teams meeting platform where each department and person has its own profile to follow the usual pace of meetings, even if it is at a distance.

When the internal borders of our country began to open up, our commercial agents in the Spanish area resumed their activity and, in accordance with European regulations, our commercial processes were also modified, and today they can travel to different European countries.

Despite the limitations mentioned above, this 2020 IDM Test has exported equipment to different sectors in 60 countries around the world. We continue to be committed to exports as one of our pillars.  

Now, we are preparing for 2021 when we hope to restart pre-pandemic activity. 

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